Friday, April 9, 2010

New Duck

The guy with the long hair brought a new duck home the other day. The noise it makes is a little different than the others I've eaten. It must be from a different pond. The insides taste a bit better, too.

Dixie was gone for a while the other day. Ever since she's been back, she's been acting funny. I think she's on something. Every time I talk to her she says stuff like, "Beef is not a liquid." and "Does the noise in my head bother you?" and then goes back to sleep... It seems to wear off every once in a while, but the the lady who lets us out gives us another treat and hers looks different. Then she gets all loopy and snoozie again.

I'm also quite curious as to why some of her fur is shaved a little bit and why she has stitches.. The last time I had stitches was... well, let's just say I was a little lighter..

Monday, February 22, 2010

Good Snoozin.

This morning before the guy with the long hair left, I was enjoying some fine snoozin' on this new pillow that showed up. It's quite comfy, but Dixie really likes it and sometimes I can't snooze on it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ducks are absolutely wonderful.

My Uncle Jaimbe visited this week. I sure enjoyed playing duck with him.